It looks like the people at Gamers Unite are having to find all of the hacking posts and remove them. It looks like they are also struggling with these issues. They are going to have to start moderating their posts. (Click to enlarge)
It seems like they are working hard on this issue since there are so many people posting this. GU is not easy to reach so I am going to reinstall the toolbar since I need lots of bottles to keep breeding sheep to update my Sheep Breeding Guide and I get soooo many help and gift requests, I can't live without it.
I succumbed to temptation and installed the Gamers Unite Snag Bar. I know, I know. I protested this for the longest time. BUT! I desperately needed bottles. I was tired of clicking, clicking, clicking, scrolling, clicking, clicking, clicking, scrolling, clicking, clicking, clicking, scrolling, clicking, clicking, clicking...all to get 9 bottles. I also want to say that I have had Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) before and ended up with Frozen Shoulder. I use a computer for work, school, this blog, making all the databases for this blog (sheep, pig, crops, etc.), other games, and learning to update my programming skills. Plus I do not have health insurance (no socialized medicine in US).
I get so many requests (see example below) that if I only use the Farmville "one-click" in the Farmville Loading screen, I would miss the majority of my friends' requests for help with the Royal Wedding, Ducklings, Greenhouse, etc. You already do if you use this feature to accept gifts vs. accepting them one-by-one on the game requests page. (Click to enlarge)
I have it currently disabled since it slows down the game and I have plenty of bottles (and it is nice when I need a boost) but will try to play Farmville the old fashioned way. It has some useful features though. I like the "One-Click Gift" since I can accept all of my gifts in the feed, without losing any (not fixed yet by Zynga, correct me if I am wrong), in one click. I wish it had a "Send all back" feature so I can click again and return all of the gifts in one click. Why doesn't Zynga strike a deal with the Gamers Unite People to help augment this? I know quite a few people who quit Farmville because of all the clicking and the waiting was too much of a time consumer. I think people who say "We should get a life." are these people, lol.
I am going to post a lamb to a friend (upon their agreement that they do not accept it), lock the post so only they can receive it, and then try and see if I can snag it with the game bar. I'll let you know my results. Added: I tested the snag bar. I ran it, made a lamb, locked it to Kim Poe. I went into Kim Poe, after waiting a bit. I didn't see any lambs in the snagged gifts section. I was able to accept the lamb (as Kim Poe). Therefore, all of our fears can be put to rest. THE SNAG BAR DOES NOT GRAB LAMBS - at least if they are locked to one specific person. I have not seen it ever snag a lamb. I have run it 3 times to test it. I disabled it after running the tests. It works great to get bottles in order to breed sheep and pigs. I try to breed different breeds so I can update the Sheep Breeding Guide and have a nice selection to make sheep and pigs to give my friends. So everyone benefits.
As for Zynga and Facebook, I think they realize, as well as me, after much examination and some speculation, that the game bar is okay. We all saw how quickly they stopped the sheep breeding. I think if you overuse the game bar, then you would get a warning. (Click to enlarge)
Besides,many of my best Farmville friends use the gamebar so it can't be that bad. I did notice that AdBlock initially flagged the installation of the bar. Once I run my spyware utility programs, I will let you know if there is a problem. By the way things are working, I feel there is no problem with any malware from this toolbar.
I have reason to believe that Gamers Unite also keeps their snag bar's code updated since so many people are using it without complaints. There was one issue I read about but it turned out to be insignificant. I am sure they do not want to lose people due to any related malware/spyware issues. Time will tell and so will I!!!
I have have the snag bar too, although I haven't used it in a while. It is handy for the 1 click thing though, I have so many requests too ( almost a 120 a day now) best not to snag when playing the game though as it can cause it to crash. GU is also handy for getting wish lists out too.
ReplyDeleteI have been getting over 250 FV requests per day. I use the snag bar for the 1-click gift accept. I try to first return the ones where people say "Please send back" (you can see it in bold letters)and then I click "Accept All". I open another tab and play a different game while it accepts all the gifts and help requests.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like I can snag lambs and pigs but only one per 24 hours. The GU toolbar can not snag anything that is locked to someone else and snags stuff after they have been on the board for awhile, at least in my experience. So please do NOT friend me and lambaste me for having it. This tool is available to everyone. How is it cheating if it is available to everyone? How do you know when you "win" at Farmville? Couldn't we say earning FV coin by stuffing cows into a dairy farm filled with Belted Cows is cheating? Where does the buck (or coin) stop?
ReplyDeleteActually, Norton has tested the Gamers' Unite Snag Bar and found it to be spyware/malware free. I have searched for sites that provide information and/or comments showing that the game bar provided spyware/malware and did not find any information to support this claim. You can type "Gamers Unite" in the "Search This Blog" search box and check out my post "I Did the Unthinkable". I document my reasons for NOW using the snag bar.
ReplyDeleteI also have run Malware Bytes as well as other malware utility programs and have not found any problems as a result of using the snag bar to date.